Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why Does It Matter?

I was doing the dishes yesterday and since all of the kids were upstairs playing quietly (or napping) I turned on the T.V. for background noise. The program that came on was interesting so I thought I'd share.

'The Doctors' were talking about the question: "Does having a cluttered house lead to obesity?" The surprising answer is that having a cluttered house and being overweight is linked. They reported that people with a cluttered house are at an increased risk of obesity and depression. Who wants to be overweight and depressed??? Not ME!

They talked a little about before trying to lose weight or diet or anything like that it is important to put your house on a diet. AKA - De clutter. My favorite part of what they said was that if you de-clutter then you will spend less time cleaning because you have less stuff. Tada!!! This was a major moment for me. Seriously magical. I want to spend less time cleaning!

So here is the deal, get rid of stuff you don't need and then you will never have to clean it up again. I am so excited about this. It is simple and honestly - it should be a no-brainer but I just loved the way they linked weight, clutter and sanity all in the same discussion.

I am going to start with my recipe stack. I have miscellaneous papers with recipes, all sorts of cards that are different sizes, pages riped from magazines and recipes printed from emails and from websites all mishmashed in my cupboard. I hate it whenever I see that stack on my counter. I seriously lose 5 minutes of my life every time I need to find a recipe. If I clean it up and organize it then I will save time and I'll never have to see that nasty stack again. What will you do?

Ideas? Comments? Goals? Please share.

1 comment:

  1. Yard Sale anyone???? I am in the mood to dejunk.... so there will be a yard sale at my house this weekend. :)
