Saturday, February 20, 2010

Name Your Nemesis...

I figure that just like with everything else in life some people are good at certain things and other people are good at different things. So here is a fun little game that we can use later on to focus on certain areas we want to improve. I want to find out what you are good at and what you need help with. Then I can get tips from you to help me with my areas of difficulty and maybe you can learn something from me. Ready? Go.

1) Name your nemesis. What is one thing that you always feel like you are behind on or that you avoid doing around the house because you don't like doing it?

2) Name your fave. What is one thing that you are really good at keeping up with around the house or that you really enjoy doing?


  1. 1) My nemesis is IRONING. Not only do I hate doing it, but I feel like I can never get caught up with it.

    2) My fave is PICKING UP DAILY CLUTTER. I feel like it is easy to keep up on and I can do it really fast at the end of the day.

  2. 1) Nemesis is cleaning the SHOWER. With our hard water it becomes unbearable to me. My husband cleans it more often than I do!

    2)Not sure what my fave is. I'm pretty quick at toilets. I don't mind loading the dishwasher either.

  3. 1) my nemesis is bathrooms in general. I hate the showers, I hate the toilets and I hate the sinks...

    2) my fave (if you can really call it that), is laundry. Mostly I like it because I can watch tv while I fold.

  4. 1. Nemesis is the stack of papers (bills, junk mail, kids art work....etc.) I can't seem to escape it. No matter how hard I try, or don't try, it always finds me.

    2. Keeping dishs out of the kitchen sink. They may be dirty in the dishwasher, but they are out of site, and that makes me a happy girl.

  5. 1. My worst for sure has to be the STACKS of papers that never end as well. It has been staring me in the face all day, and nothing has happened as of yet for the day. Best wishes, it is my goal to get done today!

  6. 2. Oh yes, and my fav? Hum, I think vaccuuming (sp?) has to be my favorite. It always makes everything feel a little cleaner if there are fresh marks in the carpet. Put on a great smelling candle, and fool everyone! ha ha :)

  7. Fave: laundry. it seems to have the most instant gratification for the small amount of effort required. I'm not so good at folding though.
    Nemesis: clutter. it seems so pointless when you know it's just gonna get out again.
    Paige, great idea! I love this site!
    Heidi B
