My friend Becca inspired this idea. You know that stack of papers that you have to hold on to for a month or a week and then send back to school...or the stack of misc papers that you need to do something with someday in your spare time? Well I've found the solution!
The boys helped pick out their own cute paper and we glued it along with cutouts of each of our names onto clipboards from the $ store. Now if one child is wondering where his reading chart is for school or if the other can't find his half finished picture from Primary I just remind them to check their clipboard. No more piles of papers and nothing gets lost! For family night I let the boys display their amazing school work from the previous week and we check the clipboards for anything we need to work on. The old stuff goes in the trash after being adequatly admired and the new stuff gets done as a family. Tada!! I love it!
A side note, I believe this is the second time Becca has been mentioned on this blog, yet she isn't a contributor. I'll have to see what I can do about that...